Thursday, February 13, 2014

Palestinian Authority to Increase Payouts to Terrorists. Where's the Coverage?

...American taxpayers provide hundreds of millions of dollars in aid money to the Palestinian Authority every year. And this aid money is being funneled into the pockets of terrorists with innocent blood on their hands. A lot of blood. Where’s the outrage? Where’s your money going? And as usual… Where’s the coverage?

Sarit Catz..
CAMERA Snapshots..
12 February '14..

The news media has extensively, and appropriately, covered the release of prisoners by the Afghan government. USA Today reported:

The expected release Thursday of 65 Afghan prisoners — many linked to attacks that have killed American troops — has angered U.S. officials who question why President Hamid Karzai's government is turning them loose.


“These are bad men,” said Army Col. Steve Warren, a Pentagon spokesman. “They’ve got a lot of blood on their hands. A lot of blood.”

Putting aside the fact that this same U.S. government has pressured Israel to release Palestinian terrorists with “a lot of blood on their hands,” and the fact that the media has not reported on this hypocrisy, at least Americans can take comfort in knowing these released murderers will not be getting large salaries funded in part by the American taxpayer.

The same is not true for Palestinian terrorists released by Israel. In fact, released Palestinian terrorists are getting a raise! Palestinian Media Watch reports:

Last week, the [Palestinian Authority] announced that it will be giving an additional $46 million a year to released prisoners, a category which includes hundreds of murderers of civilians. Since the PA cannot cover its monthly budget payments without Western aid, these additional payments to terrorists will also be facilitated both directly and indirectly by Western donor money to the PA.

The official announcement was made by the PA Minister of Prisoners’ Affairs Issa Karake, who said that the PA government has approved a regulation of the Prisoners’ Law that “is concerned with improving conditions for released [prisoners],” a regulation whose “budget... has been estimated at 160 million shekels a year.”


Significantly, the PA did not cover its 2013 budget without hundreds of millions of dollars from Western donors, tens of millions of which went directly into the bank accounts of terrorists. Since there have been no reports of massive improvements in the PA economy freeing it of the need to receive Western aid to pay its budget, clearly the PA is counting on Western donor money to facilitate this $46 million to terrorists as well.

In November, Karake appeared on official PA television, defending the practice of using Western aid money to pay terrorists and their families:

The Europeans want their money that comes to us to remain clean — not to go to families of those they claim to be terrorists. [They] need to renounce this occupation mentality. These [prisoners] are heroes, fedayyeen (self-sacrificing fighters), and fighters who fought so that we could live in dignity... These heroes, whom you are applauding, must live in dignity, so that we will continue to hold our heads high. We appreciate the people of the revolution and are proud of them.

American taxpayers provide hundreds of millions of dollars in aid money to the Palestinian Authority every year. And this aid money is being funneled into the pockets of terrorists with innocent blood on their hands. A lot of blood.

Where’s the outrage? Where’s your money going? And as usual… Where’s the coverage?

Watch Karake defend paying terrorists with aid money...


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