Wednesday, November 14, 2012

(+ Video) What has been lost, and why it will be stopped.

14 November '12..

Today and continuing at this hour, we have begun to send a very clear message that the actions of Hamas, its leadership and like-minded colleagues in Gaza will incur escalating consequences. Painful and if necessary, final consequences. Yet there may still be some abroad and even here who have not yet come to fully realize what we have allowed to be done to us. For that, perhaps Paz can still help.

From the Algemeiner:

Paz Azran spoke Monday night in Ashkelon where Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hosted a gathering of 70 foreign ambassadors. The location was intended to give the ambassadors a sense of what it was like for residents of the region to live under constant threat of rocket attacks.

During the speech Azran explains what it’s like to live in southern Israel with the constant threat of rocket attacks looming over her. “I have two little brothers and living like this is terrifying for us,” she says.”When I hear the siren I know that I have 30 seconds to run to a bomb shelter—unless I could get hurt. Everyday things that every child in the world does, it’s nothing that is usual to me. I have to think twice to go to take shower, or driving, because I don’t know if I’ll have enough time to run to a bomb shelter. Living like this, in a situation like this, is very scary for someone (unintelligible) didn’t even finish school.”

Pretty clear, yes?

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