Monday, June 4, 2012

Medad - Is It To Be 'Bye-Bye Beinart?

Yisrael Medad..
My Right Word..
04 June '12..

I entered a Steimatzky book store off of Zion Square (the real, live, Zionist-pulsating one in Jerusalem) to leaf through Peter Beinart's "Crisis of Zionism" - which I have previously noted is actually Beinart's and American liberal Jews' crisis with themselves.

I searched for the pages on Jabotinsky and found them repulsive, factually incorrect, lacking any attempt to contextualize and downright plain ignorant of the subject. In a word, Jabotinsky was a racist.

And this morning I read this by Jason Zengerle and understood:

...But while Beinart’s Army still exists, its future recruits may be more likely to come from the anti-Zionist wing of the American Jewish intellectual world. The hub of that world is the website Mondoweiss, which is run by Philip Weiss, a veteran journalist (and occasional New York contributor who has largely put aside his career as a generalist writer to become an intellectual godfather to a coterie of younger anti-Zionist Jewish intellectuals, who don’t believe Israel must remain a Jewish state. In some ways, Weiss admires Beinart. “There’s a kind of nobility, or a romance anyway, in what he’s doing,” Weiss says. Though their current projects are of course incompatible—“My belief is we have to save Jews from Zionism,” Weiss says; “he thinks you can save Zionism”—Weiss holds out hope that one day they might not be. “The interesting question to me is, What is the crisis of Peter Beinart? Those of us in the anti-Zionist camp wonder if this rude reception, this bum’s rush he’s getting, is going to send him into our arms.”

Bye-bye Beinart?

Is it to be the ultimate slide into a spasm of self-denial and the 'cross over to the other side'?


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