Saturday, May 19, 2012

Elder - Lies, damned lies and the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics

Elder of Ziyon..
14 May '12..

The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics came out with its annual "nakba" report where it tries to twist numbers to make Israel look as bad as possible.

Just a quick glance through it shows a number of lies as well as more evidence that the PA has no real interest in peace.

For example:

Nakba in literary terms means a natural catastrophe such as an earthquake, volcano, or hurricane. However, the Nakba in Palestine describes a process of ethnic cleansing in which an unarmed nation has been destroyed and its population displaced to be replaced systematically by another nation. Unlike a natural catastrophe, the Palestinian Nakba was the result of a man-made military plan with the agreement of other states, leading to a major tragedy for the Palestinian people.

Who started the war again? Oh, yeah, the "unarmed nation" of Arabs in Palestine who immediately started killing Jewish civilians after the UN partition resolution. They were then joined by their compatriots from neighboring Arab states.

If they would have accepted partition, they would have had a state 64 years ago. Instead they decided to kill the Jews. Bad decisions have consequence - unless you are Palestinian Arab, in which case your bad decisions must be the fault of the Jews.

(Read full "Lies, damned lies and the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics")

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