Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Levick - Buried by the Guardian: The paper fails to report Iranian leader’s religious justification for genocide

Adam Levick..
CiF Watch
07 February '12..

The book, “Buried by the Times: The Holocaust and America’s most important newspaper“, written by Laurel Leff, is an in-depth look at how The NYT failed in its coverage of the fate of European Jews from 1939-1945. It examines how The Times consistently downplayed news of the Holocaust, and how news of Hitler’s ‘final solution’ was hidden from readers, resulting in the minimizing and misunderstanding of modern history’s worst genocide.

Of course, in our post-Shoah world, the homage paid to Jewish victims of the Nazi genocide is nearly universal among the respectable liberal media and opinion leaders – pieties which are often observed, if often perfunctorily, by even the most shrill critics of the modern Jewish state.

Even the Guardian, arguably the most egregious example of the modern respectable left’s disenchantment with the national aspirations of living Jews, has a Holocaust page, and typically shows appropriate reverence for survivors and other expressions of Holocaust remembrance.

However, the Guardian also seems quite comfortable sanctioning voices which accuse Jews of exploiting European Holocaust-guilt to defend Israel, or even those who suggest a moral equivalence between Israel and the Nazi regime, and seem incapable of taking annihilationist antisemitism in the Arab world seriously – even when such malign ideologies are espoused explicitly within the Palestinian territories, part of the region to which they devote a disproportionate degree of coverage.

Similarly, the Guardian’s reporting on the Iranian nuclear threat, in both commentaries and reports, possess several consistent themes: Sowing doubt over evidence that the regime in Tehran is attempting to build a nuclear weapon; arguments that, even if they do aspire to acquire such weapons, the dangers of war with Iran to thwart their nuclear ambitions are not worth the risk; and, finally, skepticism that a nuclear Iran would pose any real risk to the Jewish state, and that Israel’s fears are overblown.

Of course, such consistent “anti-war” rhetoric, downplaying the threat posed by a nuclear Iran, creates a necessary journalistic corollary. If Guardian readers are to head the calls from the Guardian’s London salon on the inherent madness of taking seriously the manufactured Iranian threat, then any evidence of the Islamist regime’s malign intent against the Jewish state must be buried.

(Read full "Buried by the Guardian: The paper fails to report Iranian leader’s religious justification for genocide")

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