Friday, December 16, 2011

Sternthal - CAMERA Column Debunks BDS Activist's Falsehoods

Sandra O'Neill
(center, holding a water bottle)
 fabricated an atrocity
15 December '11

As first noted on CAMERA's Web site, BDS activist Sandra O'Neill of California disseminated blatantly false charges against Israel in the Chico News and Review. Today, the paper ran a CAMERA column debunking O'Neill's falsehoods. The column reads, in part:

It is a pity that local grandmothers Sandra O’Neill and Emily Alma did not use their recent trip to the Middle East to advance peace. As Palestinian-Israeli Khaled Abu Toameh once noted, all too many Western self-described pro-Palestinian activists torpedo the Palestinian cause by spewing anti-Israel incitement, as if there’s a shortage in the Arab world.

And that’s exactly what happened last month as the two spouted multiple falsehoods in the Chico News & Review. For instance, in a Nov. 10 letter, Ms. O’Neill claimed that in the last three weeks in October, “two Palestinian children, ages 6 and 4, were shot and killed by trigger-happy watchtower guards.” That’s a lie. A close examination of relevant reports published by the Palestinian Center for Human Rights and the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs reveals that no children, and no civilians of any age, were killed.

Read the whole piece here.

Update, 8 a.m. EST: In a letter-to-the-editor, also published today in the Chico News and Review, Elma Alma kills off a living Palestinian girl to cover for her lying compatriot.

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