Saturday, March 19, 2011

One of those sentences that makes you shake your head

Elder of Ziyon
17 March '11

The Jerusalem Post has an interesting article that shows that Jordan is granting citizenship to very, very few Palestinian Arabs over the past decade.

But it includes one of those sentences that makes absolutely no sense - and that the world accepts as normal:

Some two million Palestinian refugees are registered by United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) in Jordan, mostly as Jordanian citizens.

If they are citizens...then they aren't refugees.

But when we are dealing with Palestinian Arabs, and only Palestinian Arabs, they apparently are.

And if you thought that this makes no sense, try to wrap your head around this, from UNRWA's website:

The West Bank is home to 771,000 registered refugees... Over two-thirds of [Gaza's] 1.5 million residents are refugees registered with UNRWA.

Yes, some 1.8 million Palestinian "refugees" are living in British Mandate Palestine, inside what the world considers...their own country.

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1 comment:

  1. This is very true. Glad to see it written as you have. This is a perfect example of cooking the books. It is not only about people, and I call it people because they are from the other side of Israel "it is the universal way wanting to control of someone. At this time, We don't need to dig to deep, it is everything and everywhere. Is this how it has to be?
