Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The BBC helps to reinvent "Palestinian" History by Fiddling a Scratchy Tune

Daphne Anson
04 January '11

The despicable, incorrigible anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian bias of the BBC has hit a low note with its report of 31 December headed “Palestinian Orchestra to hold debut concert in Ramallah”. Slyly disregarding the fact that the Palestine Symphony Orchestra of the Mandate period was founded by and consisted of Jews (in 1936, it being the brainchild of the great Polish-born violinist Bronislaw Huberman), the report begins: “The first Palestinian orchestra of professional classical musicians since 1948 is due to perform its debut concert in Ramallah in the West Bank.”

The inestimable Ray Cook, not one in his blogs to fume lightly, is fuming over the report, which, he notes,

“is saying that those who call themselves Palestinians today are somehow connected with the Palestinians of 1948 and before. It suggests that this orchestra is a reincarnation of that pre-1948 Jewish orchestra. Of course, it is not. It is a new thing. The old Palestine Orchestra still exists, it was just renamed. ”

(Read full "The BBC helps to reinvent Palestinian History by Fiddling a Scratchy Tune")

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  1. Its a lie. The only Palestinians in the 1930s where the Jews. They identified Palestine as their country. Those who are clueless about history think the land was always claimed by the Arabs. This is far from the truth.

  2. The Media have got a lot to answer for. The motto of the Media is :' If you havent got news, Make them'. The saddes,harsher and out of this world...the better. It is no longer about reporting as seen, it is a 'Movie makers' industry, under cover as News reporter.

  3. What Plestinian Orchestra? They never had any culture at all let the less an Orchestra!
