Sunday, November 21, 2010

New poll proves Palestinians only want 2 state solution as stepping stone to single Palestinian state governed by Sharia law

Robin Shepherd
20 November '10

There is a reason why most of the Western media does not report the facts from out of the Middle East. And that's because such facts would blow the anti-Israeli narrative straight out of the water. To wit, a major new poll conducted for the Israel Project highlighting outright rejectionism among the Palestinians of Israel's long-term right to exist has been all but ignored.

The findings of the poll are truly devastating since they provide clear evidence of what many Israelis have been saying for years: the Palestinians are only interested in a two state solution as a stepping stone to the ultimate destruction of Israel and its replacement with a single Islamic state ruled by them and not the Jews. That's what Benjamin Netanyahu and his cabinet are up against as the world pushes them to negotiate with the Palestinian leadership. The key findings of the poll are as follows:

1) 60% of Palestinians support the proposition that "The real goal should be to start with two states but then move to it all being one Palestinian state".

2) Only 30% supported the contrasting proposition that "The best goal is for a two state solution that keeps two states living side by side".  A mere 12% of Palestinians supported that proposition "strongly".

(Read full post)

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