Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Jewish Thought Series: What Bibi Should Have Replied to Obama

Daphne Anson
16 November '10

This is a Guest Blog by Avraham Reiss of Jerusalem

Obama insisted on a settlement freeze - and Bibi agreed.
In the face of Jewish Thought. And against it. We have precedent. A number of precedents. I'm saying here how I think the Jew Netanyahu should have answered the gentile Obama. And I'll say first in Obamese, and then in Jewish.


Mr President, former President Calvin Coolidge is reputed to have said that the business of America ... is business. I have to remind you that the business of Israel is ... Zionism. And Zionism first and foremost means building the Land of Israel. Settling the waste lands, and making them liveable.

During the Cold War, Mr President, had the Soviets come to an American President with a condition for disarmament talks that America stop doing business for three months, on the grounds that Capitalism negates the Communist way of life, would any American President have taken the demand seriously? Would he have said "peace with the Soviets is more important, let's stop doing business just for three months"?
I hope you can infer both my position and my answer from that analogy, Mr. President.

That was in Obamese.

(Read full post)

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