Monday, November 15, 2010

The 'Facebook' of Palestinian Society

Asaf Romirowsky
American Thinker
14 November '10

In the internet era, the battleground of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is no longer limited to just ground, sea, or air mêlées. Now the boundaries have shifted to include protracted and arduous online campaigns.

Israelis are only just starting to internalize the necessity of victory on both fronts -- the physical and the virtual -- as the mission to delegitimize Israel online becomes pervasive. For example, in 2008, Israelis living in the West Bank were shocked to discover that they had to choose "Palestine" as their state, with no option for Israel, when filling out the address section of their Facebook profiles. In contrast to the much-discussed "facts on the ground," here was a blatant attempt by Palestinians to revise history by creating "facts" online in order to claim that an area of Israel today is a valid Palestinian state -- a state which in reality has never existed.

Even more flamboyant confrontations take place daily on Wikipedia, where Palestinians have sown "destroyed villages" and "war crimes" allegations across the map, to the point of claiming that Tel Aviv was founded on the ruins of invented villages.

(Read full article)

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