Sunday, July 11, 2010

'Settlers harass Druze soldiers'?

This photo from the Ynet article is appropriately mis-captioned as these are not Border-Police and what is being described in the article is not connected to the photo. In general, you will not see even Yassam Police handling Arab women, Druze, Bedouin, or others, as this is tolerated or encouraged only towards Jewish women.

Love of the Land
11 July '10

Today's Ynet carries an article entitled 'Settlers harass Druze soldiers' by Hanan Greenberg, and to which I have added a question mark, given the source.

A couple of points are in order. Ynet is not exactly known (and I'm being polite) for the truthfulness or accuracy of it's articles, as is known by the general population, including beyond our circles. One could ask, how many times has this occurred to make it newsworthy and what was the agenda of whoever raised this? I've heard on occasions, taunts by individuals towards Border Police/Police concerning why they allow Arab unit members to either beat or remove Jews, or destroy their property.

What I don't hear is when some members of the Druze communities rioted in large numbers this year and last, and injured Border Police/Police, plus substantial property damage, that what they called out, was disgusting or that their violence and the numbers involved was worthy of but a passing mention.

Update 11 July '10: Angry mob attacks police in Druze town. Residents of Majdal Shams say nine injured as police assist officers besieged by 1,500 people

Because realistically the magnified scale of violence directed towards security forces by the more anarchic elements of the Druze and Beduin communities must be appeased, irrespective of the justice, or lack of justice of their complaints, and surely must not be reported, for fear of the further violence they promise.

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