Thursday, July 8, 2010

Is Temple Mount in our hands?

Renouncing Jewish right for Mount paves way to losing right for entire land

Efraim Halevy
Israel Opinion/Ynet
08 July "10

The many statements recently issued by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas included one where he expressed his willingness to let Israel maintain its control over Jerusalem’s Jewish Quarter and the Western Wall. Various Palestinian spokespeople and Knesset Member Dr. Ahmed Tibi were quick to stress that this willingness comes with an unequivocal Palestinian position demanding full, exclusive sovereignty over the Temple Mount.

Whatever Israel’s position on other territorial issues, we must warn against such a “deal” with the Palestinians. Moreover, during negotiations with the Palestinians in the framework of the Geneva Accord, they fought for ensuring that the term “Kotel” refer only to part of the Western Wall – the small section where Jews pray today. Hence, Abbas’ words only refer to the limited plaza at the Wailing Wall and not to the entire Western Wall, let alone the Kotel tunnels.

Israel’s demand for the Western Wall is not premised on the Kotel being a holy Jewish site in and of itself. The demand is premised on the Kotel being a remnant of our Temple. Anyone recognizing our right for the Western Wall must recognize the fact that the Kotel is part of a structure or several structures that Jews have no less attachment to than the Muslims. One who has no right for the structure has no right for any wall of that structure.

(Read full article)

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  1. I firmly believe that Israel is going to suffer repeated punishment, through the Palestinians and those that support them, by the hand of God Himself.

    After the destruction of the Temple in 586 BCE and 70 CE, God taught the people of Israel an important lesson: Never again lean on human powers, and never obey the princes of men, but lean, trust, and obey only the Almighty God of Israel.

    Before our Almighty God at this very critical time, when human powers from every corner of the world led by President Obama are pressuring Israel: Never again shall we trust any human power nor the princes of men but our trust is only in the Almighty God of Israel, the God of our forefathers.

    When the government of Israel finally realizes that it has given away custodianship of our most precious Temple to the lowest bidder and takes BACK what is rightfully ours, only then will redemption come to the Land.

    To all of those who devise evil plans to take Jerusalem from the God and People of Israel, I answer today in the words of Nehemiah, the leader of Israel after the destruction of the First Temple and the redemption of Israel 2,526 years ago, who answered Geshem, the Arab and his companions:

    "Then I answered them, and said to them, The God of heaven, he will prosper us; therefore we his servants will arise and build; but you have no portion, or right, or memorial, in Jerusalem." (Nehemiah 2:20)

  2. Cheryl, Shavua Tov
    Personally I would place my bets on ourselves being the last ones standing, irrespective of what the world supporters of "Palestine" would like. As to the rest of the world,if they continue their capitulation to the varied assortment of violent peoples and their aims, there will not be much of a future in any of those countries.
