Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Time for Talk is Over

Daniel Friedman
Sultan Knish
10 May '10

The hard and fast rule is that if the terrorists can't manage to kill you with their bombs, they'll kill you at the negotiating table. If they can't even win the dirtiest war that their most perverse leaders can conceive of, they can still talk you out of a country by promising to make peace once you meet all their demands. And once they realize that they can get more by changing out of their khakis and into a nice Armani suit, and shifting the regularly scheduled bombings to days when the negotiations aren't in session-- then the real killing begins.

And so now right on schedule, the Obama Administration is feverishly looking for ways to get the Israelis and the Fatah terrorists back to the negotiating table to create a Palestinian state. This is the sort of thing that was breaking news back in 1991. Today it's a sad and sick farce being perpetuated not in the name of peace, but in the name of appeasement. The Israeli left has staked its political fortunes on destroying the country. The European left has rediscovered the joys of openly hating Jews. The American left has discovered that with a cultural Muslim at the top, sticking the knife into one of America's closest allies just got a lot easier.

Peace is of course a good thing. Which is why you usually don't have to negotiate it. Most people naturally live at peace with each other. But when you have to spend the better part of a century negotiating peace, clearly one side isn't all that enthusiastic about peace. For the better part of the 20th century and the crumbs of the 21st , Israel's various representatives, pre and post state have been doing their best to negotiate peace. Yet oddly enough, each time war resulted. Today Israel holds a fraction of the land remaining from the Palestine Mandate, but its friendly neighborhood Muslims chorus that it's still too much. If only they had a few more miles here and there. And Jerusalem and the strategic high ground of the Golan Heights, then maybe there would be peace. Maybe. Double maybe.

Israel's critics insist that a Jewish state in the Arab Muslim Middle East is a mistake. Which it of course it is from the Muslim point of view, which insists that there can be no infidel states in the region. But isn't that a working definition of Apartheid? The critics wail over the fate of Hamas blockaded Gaza, but not over that of Islamic blockaded Israel. Not even when the combined Arab Muslim powers of the Middle East did their best to try and push the Jewish refugees from Islam and the Holocaust into the sea.

But since they didn't succeed, as a result the conflict was prolonged. Which is a fancy way of saying, "Those Damned Jews Are Still Around." In 1948, quite a lot were hoping that the matter would be settled once and for all. They were hoping that again in 1967. They were crossing their fingers for it in 1973. Their frustration has reached a boiling point in 2010. And it's not hard to see why. They've armed terrorists and placed them inside Israel's borders. They've encouraged the terrorists to run wild, to kill and bomb. And they made sure to restrain Israel from responding. They've orchestrated phony negotiations in which Israel has turned over land and gotten bodies back in return. And yet still Israel lives.

(Read full article)

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